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by Hans Braun, foreword "The von Wattenwyl family"

The von Wattenwyl family looks back on a tradition of more than 650 years and is thus one of the most venerable houses of Bern. After their rise in the course of the 14th and 15th century, the von Wattenwyls provided three Bernese Schultheissen(sheriffs), who alongside numerous magistrates were followed by another two in the 18th and the beginning of the 19th century.

They also made their names as officers and generals in foreign service and owned, to mention just a few of their residences, Burgistein, Belp, Jegenstorf and Diessbach as well as large vineyards at Lake Biel and Lake Geneva.

Alongside the two Bernese houses zu Pfistern and zum Distelzwang, a third lineage, which returned to the catholic faith, settled in the Free County of Burgundy. This lineage served in prominent military and political offices, first under the Duke of Savoy, then under the Spanish and finally under the French Crown. They commanded several principalities and abounded in property.

After the loss of their class privileges in the first half of the 19th century, the family entered a process of redefinition as part of modern bourgeois society.

On the one hand, this richly-illustrated book situates the family in its respective social environment in various epochs. On the other, it explores the family’s self-image – how is it reflected in the historical documents? What unites a house which has had many branches since the 17th century? Which intra-familial areas of conflict emerge?

The crest

In the 13th and 14th century, the von Wattenwyl family bore various coats of arms featuring, amongst others, a rose in a triangular escutcheon, but also an erect lion or, like cadet Niclaus (1380 – 1465), a horizontally partitioned escutcheon with two chevrons standing side by side in the upper half.

In 1453 the above mentioned Niclaus had a grant of arms issued by Emperor Friedrich III. On 18th October, the imperial registry states:

​"Item Clasen von Wattenwil einen wapenbrirfe mit namen einen weissen schild, darinne drey rott aufgetan flügel und auf dem schilde einen helm getziert mit einer weissen und rotten helmdecke, darauf zwo aufgetan flügel auch von warben (= Farben) als in dem schilde ...”

Soon the von Wattenwyls would exchange the colours for three white wings on a red background.

​A keystone in the northern aisle of the Bernese cathedral (Berner Münster) features one of the oldest depictions of the family escutcheon which is still in use today. It merges the coat of arms of Niclaus with that of his second spouse Anna von Praroman, marking their alliance, and must have been crafted around 1455. A crest displaying a crowned figure of a woman with wings appears above the coat of arms, on the seals of the very same Niclaus.

Thus it seems highly unlikely that the woman’s torso should serve as a reference to Jacob Posthumus’s (born 1466) mother, Barbara von Erlach, who became ancestress of all succeeding members of the house of von Wattenwyl. Meanwhile, several family members adopted a single silver wing as crest instead. In 1463, the above-mentioned cadet Niclaus complemented the coat of arms with the following motto: “Sub umbra alarum tuarum protege nos Domine.”

Historical (from "Bernerfamilies")

I. Before entering Bernese citizenship. 
The older history of this widely ramified Bernerschultheissen lineage has not yet been fully explained. Wattenwyl still in the 14th century were citizens of Thun, where they had the citizenship at the same time as the Bernese until the beginning of the_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-58d6badXVIcf Century entertained. The name suggests an origin from the village of Wattenwyl in the district of Seglich; it appears but already in the XIII. and XIV. Century in Thun and in Bern, as well as in Wattenwyl itself three apparently completely different families of this name, whose relations to the one flourishing today are uncertain._cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_

Ulrich de Watenwile appears as early as September 3, 1226 as  "consul" (councillor) in Bern and on September 21, 1240 as a witness. 

Conradus and Waltherus, fratres de Watenwyle figure from 1262 an often as witnesses, a Johannes de Watenwyle, monk zu Frienisberg in the same property on September 29, 1270. Those two brothers buy on January 28, 1268 together with the knight Jordan v. Burgistein from Wilhelm and Heinrich v. Montenach Güter zu Wattenwyl. 1285 gibt «Waltherus filius bone memorie quondam Conradi dicti de Wattenwile« mit Zustimmung seines Oheimes Walther der Propstei Interlaken für die Clothing his sister Adelheid his own property Bächi near Thun with accessories, while he was at the same time with Gerhard von Grasburg and Heinrich von Wimmis, Burger zu Bern, for his noch_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_underage brothers Johann and Conrad guaranteed. Johann appears on February 3, 1295 as a citizen of Bern and sells the fourth part of the tithe from Murzelen to_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3cfhen; on October 27, 1300 he gave his nieces Elsina and Agnes, the daughters of his sister Agnes, the wife Heinrich von Uebeschi's, five and a half sheds in the village of March bb3b-136bad5cf58d_zu Obergurzelen, and soon afterwards, on May 25, 1301, he appears as Johanniter zu Buchsee, and in the same capacity on May 1 December 20 and 23 1325.


From this point on, the name is found more and more often in Urkunden. In the middle of the fourteenth century a zu  appears
Family "Ammann von Wattenwyl" from Bern and Thun, who had a share in the twing and ban on Wattenwyl; 
on September 28, 1350, the Junker Hartmann v. Burgistein, »Sid that me and mine told me Johans Ammann von 
Wattenwyle burger zu Berne, a half part that he had at the ampte, court, twin and ban of the court of Wattenwile, and 
sold all the rights he had in it, etc. ... »  the same and his heirs in quiet possession and enjoyment of the 
Leave the mill there and never build another mill in the dorf yourself. The sons of this Johann's brother, Niklaus Ammann von Wattenwile, Peter and Niclaus appear shortly afterwards as citizens of Bern and Thun. Simultaneously with the gender "Ammann von Wattenwyl" another name appears in Thun "Oeger" or "Oeyer von Wattenwil"; on September 29, 1301 figures a "Rodolfus filius Wilhelmi dicti Oegere de Wattenwile" as a witness to Uttigen and on September 4, 1374 a Wilhelm de_cc7819 -136bad5cf58d_Wattenwile, presumably the previous brother, as the husband of an Ita Kümi zu Thun.

From the middle of the fourteenth century Jakob von Wattenwyl is often found in Urkunden as a citizen of Thun, first on 27. April 1356, who appears several times as a buyer of goods near Thun, namely on the Thunfeld (1359, 1365 etc.), and on which the lineage of the Today's from Wattenwyl with certainty uninterruptedly traced back . In a document dated "next Thursday after the ingen year at Wienachten 1370", in which Werner Schilling sold him a Schupose zu Schoren, he was "Cuntzen_cc781905-94-5cde-31-94-5cde-31 bb3b-136bad5cf58d_Sohn von Wattenwyl». Which of the aforementioned families this Cuntz belonged to cannot be determined; some genealogists want to see in him the aforementioned Konrad , who is known with his brother Walther in 1285 as and about whom nothing else appears of lesser age.  What makes this hypothesis somewhat improbable, is the fact that in 1395 "the modest man Jakob Life appears and Cuentz Pösch, Hansli von Kisen and Ruff von Kisen give several estates to Thun for heirs. According to the document of 1380, he was married to Agnes Lor, Rueff Lor's sister , by whom he left a son Gerhart, who_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136_bad5cf58d_was a burger zu Thun 1409 but appears as Burger und seden zu Bern.

In Thun the name still appears in the XV. Century, so a Peter as a citizen there 1406 and a Rudolf 1438 and also 
in Bern there are carriers of the same at the end of the fourteenth century, but they cannot be brought into any related relationship with the above Jacob._cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136_bad5cf58d Johanniter zu Buchsee, Johann, sealed am 3. February 1295 with a rose in a triangular shield; Other Wappen are not known.

II. After entering Bernese citizenship.
The above Gerhard seems to be at the beginning of the XV. Century Thun to have left and settled in Bern, where according to document of January 1409 as a "burger and eaten" a house_cc781905-5cde-3194-bban5cf-8 130 guilders. He is mentioned for the first time on Catharinenabend 1379 on the occasion of the assurance of the morning gift of his wife Anna_cc781905-5cde-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_von Hansel5333bbde-3194-6cde Bad Hansen v. H. and Berchta... on his "Hus and Hofstatt located at Tunne, in the old place, between the houses of Hänsli Heimberg and Matthys Sporren_cc781905-5cde-3194-3194 bb3b-136bad5cf58d_blissful». He must have died at the beginning of 1411, because on the Thursday after St. James' Day of that year, his widow gave the German lords a property and wood to "closer"_cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_Wangen to celebrate a year for him, she herself and her son Niklaus; she testified in 1419, making her son heir . According to the certificate dated 7, Niklaus or Clewi appears. May 1411 together with several others as holder of Reichslehen zu Ortschwaben, Busswyl etc. and became a member of the Great Council of the CC um 1410; In 1426 he came into den Kleinen Rat and in 1432 he became a Venner von Pfistern. 1438 wurde er Landvogt nach Aarburg, 1441 wiederum des Kleinen Rates und 1446 und 1465 nochmals Venner von Pfistern, Mit seiner Gemahlin Margareta v. Gysenstein he seems to have fathered only children who died young , of the second, however, Anneli von Perroman (Praroman) from Freiburg, whom he had married in 1436,_cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_he left a daughter Küngolt and a son Niklaus; by his third wife, Elsbeth von Hertenstein, Gilian Spillmannn widow, who no children survived_5 -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ left behind. In his will of June 29 1465 he gave his servant Clewi and his brother his Sesshaus zu Thun, where he also had other wealth_cc781905-5cde-3bde-3194-bbde 136bad5cf58d_was. The above Küngolt was first engaged to his stepson Antoni Spillmann, but subsequently married Thüring von Ballmoos; Niklaus, Schultheiss to Thun 1444, of the Council 1451 and soon after his father's death 1466 Venner zu Pfistern, already attested on August 18 of the same year_cc78de-35bcc78de-35bc781903 -136bad5cf58d_and was deceased on October 29 as the last male bearer of his name.Soon after his death his wife Barbara v. Erlach, nachmals mit Ludwig Brüggler wiedervermählt und gestorben 1502, einen posthumen Sohn Jakob, der der nähere Stammvater des in der Folge ungemein verzweigten Geschlechtes und der_cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_founder of the aristocratic splendor and high position of his house.As early as 1484 Jakob married Magdalena v. Muhleren, the last and wealthy heiress of her house, only daughter of Venners Urban v. Mühleren and Verena Schwend from Zurich. Des Grossen Rates 1486, Schultheiss nach Thun 1490, des Kleinen Rates 1496, Venner zu Pfistern 1496, Seckelmeister 1505 gelangte er 1512 zur Schultheissenwürde, die er_cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ clothed several times until his death. A man of great statesmanlike talent, he also promoted the approach of the Reformation, whose victory he was not to live to see, since_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bader1cf525_bader1cf525_bader1cf of 69 years passed away. Er nahm an mehreren Kriegszügen und Gesandtschaften teil, so 1499 als Venner am ersten Zug ins Hegau, im August 1513 befehligte er die Vorhut der Eidgenossen in the expedition to Dijon and in August 1515 as Altschultheiss he led 5000 Manu to Domodossola; on June 26, 1513 as Schultheiss he liberated the city from the_cc74c-9 bb3b-136bad5cf58d_rebellious farmers and otherwise rendered her the most important services. Through purchase and through his wife, he came into the possession of the Burgistein, Wattenwyl, Gerzensee and Kirchdorf estates, and he was also co-lord of Gurzelen,_cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_Blumenstein, Seftigen und Schonegg. Von seiner Gemahlin hinterliess der Schultheiss Jakob neben mehreren Töchtern drei Söhne, welche die Stifter der drei Hauptlinien des afterward so widespread lineage became; he also had a natural son, who founded an indirect line that only expired in 1726, but which already existed in the XVI. Century also came into the government , among others with the families of Erlach, v. Luternau, Manuel, v. Offenburg and Wurstemberger entered into alliances and owned a For a time the rulership of Blumenstein, but up to now led an initially black, later blue "rafter"._cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3cfon the children of the mayor Jakob and Magdalena v. Muhleren were Niklaus, the eldest son, and Margaretha und Katharina destined to the clergy; letztere waren Klosterfrauen zu Königsfelden, verliessen aber 1525 das Stift und vermählten sich mit Luzius Tscharner aus Chur und Jakob May. Niklaus, geboren 1492, Chorherr zu Bern 1509, Protonotarius apostolicus 1513, Domprobst zu Lausanne 1514 - 1519, Domherr zu Konstanz 1518 und zu Basel 1521, Propst des Vinzenzenstiftes zu Bern 1523, resigned on Dec. 1, 1525 all his spiritual offices and dignities, accepted the new faith and married Klara May, a former  -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_Nun of the island monastery. From Mrs. Barbara Haller v. Courtlary born v. In 1527 he bought the castle and dominion of Wyl in Erlach and 1535 he got into the Great Council. Von seiner Gemahlin hinterliess er zwei Söhne, von denen Pctermann 1535 - 1581, des Grossen Rates 1555, des Kleinen Rates 1563, Landvogt nach Lausanne 1566 , Venner zu Pfistern 1577, lord of Wyl and Höchstetten von his two wives Johanna v. Erlach and Anna v. Hallwyl descendence, but died out in 1691 with his great-grandson Samuel, Schultheiss to Unterseen in 1672. His brother Johann against, 1511 - 1604, mayor of the city and republic 1582 (see below), successively married in 1565 to Anna v. Erlach died  1670, 1570 with Elsbeth Pfyffer died 1575, 1576 with Barbara Michel von Schwertschwendi, died 1580 and finally 1582 with Todale des Schuler Hans Nagel N. and widow of the mayor Hans Steiger, left behind numerous descendancy, which subsequently branched out very much, nowadays only in that of his ab5cf sixth son Johann Franz 1590 - 1655, bailiff after Milden 1622 etc. persists.


The second son of the Schultheissen Jakob, Johann Jakob 1506 - 1560, of the Great Council 1525, of the Small Council 1526, supreme 
Leader of the Bernese troops in the Kappeler War in 1531, became mayor of the city and republic in 1533 at the age of 27 . Since 1535 Herr 
of the dominions of Münchenwyler and Clavaleyres, newly formed from Bern, he was married at a young age to Rosa de Chauvirey from Hochburgund, who brought him the dominions Colombier and Bevaix in Neuchâtel. At his 1560 death he left three married sons by his wife in addition to several married daughters, von_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3cf-58d6bad
where the youngest, Niklaus, born in 1544, was the closer progenitor of the so-called Bündner line of the family. The oldest 
Son, Gerhard, entered the service of Emperor Charles V in 1545, took up the Catholic religion again, left his home town in 1549 
completely and finally settled in Burgundy with his aforementioned brother Niklaus. Soon after her father's death 
in 1563 they sold the dominions of Colombier and Bevaix to the Duke of Longueville, who was a citizen of Bern; in the sales contract 
from August 8th Gerhard v. W. "Knight and Her. Rom. Catholic Majesty Truchsess". Subsequently er acquired the dominions of Usies, Leugny, Belmont, Challezieule and Lorrey_cc781905-94cde -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_in Burgundy; by his wife Philiberte de Leugny he left no children when he died in 1591. His second brother Jakob, Herr zu München -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_Clavaleyres, of the Great Council 1561), remained in Bern and died 1584. married from his sons born with Agnes v. Mülinen-5-3-4cc5c5c1-bb3-3-4-98-98c1bb3-90-3-4cc5c-98 de9bb3-98 136bad5cf58d_but only the third, Beat Jakob, who left Bern  like his uncles, entered the Lorraine service and in 1684 became governor of the Lamotte fortress during its conquest by the French found his death without leaving any children by his wife Jeanne de Choiseul. Des Schultheissen Johann Jakob youngest son finally,_cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_Niklaus, who has already been mentioned several times, was born in 1544, entered imperial services, later often stayed at the Savoy court and lastly in Burgundy by name, wode_75c19 -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_habitual seat on the dominion of Chateauvilain had brought to him by his wife Anna de Joux dite de Grammont. In 1580, 1500 and 1594 he mediated several negotiations between the Duke of Savoy and Bern; In 1596 and 1598 he was deputized from Burgundy as envoy to the Swiss Confederation , but without achieving the desired success of his_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-8d_Miscfension. In 1591 he inherited his brother Gerhard, after having bought the dominion of Versoix in the Pays de Gex  in 1571, which was elevated to a marquisate in 1908 -136bad5cf58d_
He was probably born in 1602 as «Nicolas de Watteville, Marquis de Versoye, Baron et Seigneur de Chasteauvilain, Sormieres, Belmon, Challizeuse, Breccaux, Colonel 95-71, Usie et Ousie 0 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_de 4000 Suisses» (cf. Francois Capre, Catalog des Chevaliers de l'ordre du collier de Savoye, dict de l'Annonciade, 1654)_cc781905-5cde-3b.bbde-3194 -136bad5cf58d_Knight of the Order of the Annunciate and 1606 Knight of the Golden Fleece. When he died around 1610, he three sons, the eldest of whom, Gerhard 15. 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_in kaiserlichen Diensten, dann Marechal de camp in lothringischen Diensten, General der Artillerie daselbst und Gouverneur von Chastel sur Moselle und in der Folge Generalleutnant der_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_Kavallerie in savoyischen Diensten und Ambassador des Herzogs von Savoyen am kaiserlichen Hofe 1627 - 31 wurde, zuletzt wieder in kaiserliche Dienste trat und 1635 als Marschall von_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_Burgundy the supreme command over all imperial Tr uppen led.


When 1621 Versoix passed to France with the Pays de Gex, he was by the Duke of Savoy with the Marquisate of Conflans_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-8d_bad5cf-8d
compensated. After he had freed the city of Dole from its siege in 1636, he died of the plague in the same year, together with his only son Philipp Franz, who also died before Dole cavalry commanded. This the latter, Marquis of Conflans, Count of Bussolin, Baron of Chateauvilain, was with Louise Christine Countess of Married Nassau-Dillenburg, from whom he left several children . The Marquis of Versoix Niklaus' second son, Johann, entered the clergy, became bishop of Lausanne in 1607 - 1649 , after having previously been abbot de la Chante 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_, and died in Besancon in 1649. The third son finally, 
Peter or «Don Pedro», lord of Corvieres and Challezeule, entered Spanish service, became captain in 1635 in the body guard of Cardinal Infanta Ferdinand (brother of Philip IV),_cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_Grau de of Spain and general of cavalry im Milan and then in Catalonia. By his wife Judith de Brebia from Milan, when he 1631 was murdered, he left two sons, who both remained unmarried. Derbad older « Don Carlos » 16th. - 1665, Baron de Batteville, Count of Corvieres, Grandee of Spain, was 1647 Spanish Marechal de Camp in Naples, General of Artillery, Commander of the Spanish fleet on the Garonne 1050, Captain General of Cantabria, Governor of St. Sebastian and St. Jeau de Luz, and finally Spanish Ambassador in London, where he 1661  made a violent appearance with the French envoy, dem Count v. Estrades, regarding the precedence; shortly before his death, which took place in Lisbon, he was appointed Knight of the Golden Fleece on September 26, 1666.


His younger brother is the known oneAbbe Don Jean de Watteville, born. 1618,Spanish officer in his youth, then Capuchin in Paris and Carthusian monk; after he had stabbed his prior in this property, after all kinds of adventurous journeys through Spain he reached Turkey, he confessed to Madtwoism and Pasha of Morea became. After having been in the service of the Sultan  for about 18 years, he succeeded, on promise of absolution by the Pope under , to enlist a part of the Turkish army into a_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_to ambush and deliver to the Imperial troops to obtain . As a result, he returned to France around 1660 , became abbot of Beaumes-les-Messieurs, maitre des Requetes at the Parliament of Besancon, cathedral dean of Besancon_cc781-31-94cde bb3b-136bad5cf58d_1664 - 1680, came to Baden in 1666 and 1667 as a deputy from Burgundy  and finally died in old age in 1702 as abbot to Beaumes -

The descent of Philipp Franz and der Louise Christine v. Nassau-Dillenburg existed until the end of the XVIII. Jahrhunderts und erlosch erst 1779 mit Maximilian Emanuel, Comte de Watteville, Marquis de Conflans, Baron et Seigneur de Chateauvilain et Foncines, Seigneur de Dampierre , de Nepvre et Chargey, who left no children by his 1727 wife Marie Louise Rosalie Phelippaux de Pontchartrain. This line of the von Wattenwyl family took up a position in Burgundy, Spain and afterwards in France with almost princely splendor enclosed and surrounded the already mentioned.09.09 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_alliances with the Neuchatel-Gorgier, Boba from Piedmont, St. Maurice de Beaujean, Beauffremont, zu Niederstoin.-Monstotzinging-Merode . Their members held the titles of Marquis, Comte or Baron de Watteville, Marquis de Versoix, Marquis de Conflans, Comte_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3cf-136bad5cf58d_Bussolines de Bussolines de5,6 Comte Corvieres Baron de Chateauvilain etc.; all in all 4 knights of the golden fleece were made, namely in addition to those mentioned, Johann Karl 16th - 1699, Marquis_cc781905-5cde-3b.bbde-3b.bbde-3194 -136bad5cf58d_de Conflans, Comte de Bussolin, called Marquis de Batteville, Spanish general of the cavalry in Flanders, governor of Luxembourg, viceroy of Navarre and Pampel-70-70conona9 -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_and his son Charles Emanuel, «Don Charles Emanuel de Watteville et Nassau, Marquis de Conflans et d'Usier, Comte de Bussolin_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_et Corvieres, Baron de Watteville, de Chateauvilain et de Castel-Lano, Seigneur de Sousina, de Sarge, de Prateui et de La Casa del Bosque» 1656 - 1728, Lieutenant General in Spanish service in Flanders, Governor to Ath. The aforementioned Johann Karl was also a knight of the Annunziatetenorden; Karl Emanuel Franz 1709 - 1728 war Malteserritter, und Johann Christian l660 - 1725 französischer Generalleutnant 1693, Kommandeur des Ordens von St. Louis and Governor de l`ordre des Chevaliers de St.George in the county of Burgundy. Während über 100 Jahren bekleideten ununterbrochen Töchter dieser burgundischen Linie des Hauses die Würde einer Äbtissin zu Chateau-Chalons, nämlich Maria Angelika 1667 - 1699, Anna Maria Desle 1699-1721

The youngest son of the mayor Jakob and Magdalena v. Finally, Muhleren, Reinhard, 15.. - 1549, Schultheiss zu Thun, lord of Burgistein, Schönegg, Wattenwyl, Serigen and Gurzelen, co-lord of Colombier, was _cc75100 with_5.75109 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_lsabella v. Chauvirey, sister of his brother Johann Jakob's wife, married andis the founder of the  younger still living main line of the family (von Burgistein and later from Belp), which later went over to the company zum Narren oder Distelzwang and remained far fewer in number  than the older main line on Pfistern,_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b.bb3b.bb3b -136bad5cf58d_In Bern, almost all members of the family devoted themselves to the magistracy; since the end of the fifteenth At the beginning of the twentieth century, it was represented in both Councils of the Republic without interruption, and in the Great Council it was very often in large numbers. In fremde Kriegsdienste traten ebenfalls sehr viele, und zwar namentlich in französische und holländische, wo mehrere zu den höchsten Offiziersstellen emporstiegen._cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_

Thejunker titleled the family in Bern as early as the XVI. century. With the Erlach, Diesbach, Mülinen, Bonstetten and Luternau, she belonged to the «six noble families», which, according to the decree of 1651, were given the predicate «wohledelfest» and_cc7819de-05-5c19de 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_from 1669 and 1721 the presidency in the small installment was granted immediately after the 4 Vennern. Abroad, she was often given the title of Baron , partly probably also with regard  to the Diessbach and Belp baronial estates she owned._cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-8dcf58bad

In general, most members of the family - with the exception of the Burgundian line - remained faithful to their homeland Bern; Niklaus 1695 - 1783 (from the line of Montmirail from the older main line) and his brother Friedrich 1700 - 1777 left Bern around 1748 and settled with the_cc741de90-3.1-98de90-3.1-98de90 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_known Count Niklaus Ludwig v. Zinzendorf friends, in Neuwied and Herrenhut. The former's eldest son Rudolf Friedrich 1738-1809 married in 1709 in Seitz with Elisabeth v. Zinzendorf, but without leaving her descendants_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d; his younger son with Maria Perpetua v. Planta-Wildenberg, of which he had three families 
v. Tschirschy, v. Wrachem and v. Schweinitz married daughters. The aforementioned Friedrich, married with Johanna Sophia v. Zeschwitz, became Bishop of the Moravian Brethren Church in Herrenhut, a dignity which er resigned in 1747. Since he had only one an ein Herr v. Brüning vermählte Tochter hatte, adoptierte er im Mai 1744 den Sohn eines Pfarrers von Erfurt Namens Johannes Langguth und erhielt 1745 vom Churbayerischen Vikariat ein Diplom, dass This Johannes Langguth «the name and coat of arms of Wattenwyl in the future and all liberties, so the barons of Wattenwyl in the Reiche_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3cf586_bad5cf586_bad5cf58d
to enjoy, to share". This adoptive son  married Henriette Benigna Justina v. Zinzendorf, wurde ebenfalls Bischof der mährischen Brüdergemeinde und starb 1788, eine einzige Tochter Maria Justina 1762 - 1828 hinterlassend, die sich 1797 mit dem Grafen Henry IV. v. Reuss-Schleiz-Köstritz, preacher at Havenfordbest in Wales, married. 

After the political upheaval in the first half of the XIX. century, they approached the bourgeois promoting families. They found new livelihoods in freelance work, in the public sector, in banking and insurance and in industry, first as lawyers and as doctors and pastors, in the XX. Century more and more often than non-academics. Since in the 19th Century numerous family members emigrated are found at the beginning des XXI. Century branches in France, the USA and Canada. The middle,   line of Hans Jakob, which had become Catholic again, established itself in  the Free County of Burgundy, intermarried there with leading  and brought forth several noble families , governors, diplomats and high church dignitaries, who first served the Spanish and later the French crown. At the end of the XVIII. century this line became extinct.

The lordships and estates which the family both in Bern and in French countries from the XVI. has owned for centuries. In Bernerlanden sind namentlich zu erwähnen die Freiherrschaften Diessbach seit 1647 (in verschiedenen Linien) bis heutzutage und Belp 1700 - 1806, die Herrschaften Burgistein ca. 1500 - 1717, Wattenwyl 1533-1604, Kirchdorf 1507-1604, Gerzensee ca. 1530 - 1606, Gurzelen 1532 und 1512 - 1717, Seftigen 1523_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_bis 1717, Wyl 1527 - 1626, Blumenstein ca. 1550 - 1642, Münchenwyler 1535 bis ca. 1584, Jegenstorf 1075 - 1720. Rümligen 1680 - 84 and again 1838 - 1901, Bremgarten 1743 bis 1761; also the country seat Wittigkofen 1626 - 1730, the new building zu Belp 1733-1812, a vineyard in Ligerz approx 1830, such a zu Wingreis 1755 - 1781, the Landshut Castle 1813 - 1877, the Saligut in the XVII. and XVIII. 1810 - 1903, Beitiwyl, Rychigen and Bellerive (Gwatt) in the XIX century and many more 1600 - 1705, Chardonne approx. 160 - 1803, Trevelins 16.. - 1710, Salavaux ca._cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136badollen, - 1812; also the vineyards Malessert 
ca. 1688 to ca. 1840, Fechy ca. 1730 - 1829, Montbenay seit ca. 1720 to the present day, Bursinel Castle approx. 1803 - 1835; 
in Neuchâtel finally the dominions Colombier and Bevaix ca. 1520-1504, sowie Montmirail 1722 - 1742. Auch heutzutage verfügt die Familie über einen für bernische Verhältnisse recht ausgedehnten Grundbesitz, zu erwähnen sind namentlich das Castle Diessbach, the country estates Elfenau, Mettlen, Habstetten, Längmoos, Schlingmoos, Diessenhof, Murifeld, Jolimont, Hofen etc. 

The crestthe family has 3 silver wings (2.1) in a red field; the crest a crowned red-clad woman's torso with 2 silver wings instead of arms. (According to the tradition, this crest is in memory of Barbara v. Erlach, the widow of Venners Niklaus von v son Jakob who became the progenitor of all subsequent v. Wattenwyl). However, several members of the family also wore only a silver wing as a crest. The aforementioned Venner Niklaus sealed 1457 with a horizontally divided shield, in the upper half two  rafters standing side by side; 1463 but with today's coat of arms. Motto: «Sub umbra alarum tuarum protege nos, 
domain». The Burgundian line ecartelized their family coat of arms often with the coat of arms Joux dit de Grammont, namely 1 and 
4 blue with gold bars, 2 and 3 red with 3 silver wings. The knight of the Order of the Annunziates Johann Karl 16.. - 1699 used the motto "Ingratis servire ». 

Besonderer Erwähnung verdienen ausser den schon im Vorhergehenden genannten Mitgliedern des Geschlechtes noch besonders Johann 1541 - 1604, des Grossen Rates 1566, Landvogt nach Lausanne 1578 , of the small council and Venner zu Pfistern 1581, mayor of the city of Bern 1582, field colonel over 15 500 Bernese to Faucigny, after the bad outcome of this_cc9819 136bad5cf58d_Zuges horrified by his offices and dignitaries, he was able 1590 to justify himself to the satisfaction of the government about his conduct of the war ;

Albrecht 1617 - 1671, Freiherr zu Diessbach, where he had the present castle built in 1668, colonel of a regiment he had set up in France 1646,_cc78de-bb351-94cde-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_excelled in the Sieges of Gravelines and Mardyck ;


David 1632 - 1684, Hofmeister und Kammerjunker am pfälzischen Hofe 1668, Kriegsrat und Oberstleutnant des pfälzischen Garderegimentes 1668, pfälzischer Geheimer Rat 1669, in der Consequence of the Great Council of Bern 1680 and bailiff after Luggaris 1682; Emanuel 1639 - 169., also in Palatinate services and commander of Frankental;


Karl Emanuel 1681 - 1754, Freiherr zu Belp, Schultheiss im äussern Stand, des Grossen Rates 1718, Landvogt nach Morsee 1729, Senator 1741, Teutschseckelmeister 1744, mayor of the city and Republic of Bern 1749 until his death;


Emanuel 1693 - 1766, diente 1742-48 als Major und Oberstleutnant im Bernerregiment Stürler in Holland, Oberstkommandant und Generalmajor daselbst 1755, in welchem Jahre er acknowledged  and became bailiff of Köniz;


Alexander Ludwig 1714 - 1780, des Grossen Rates 17 45, Landvogt nach Nidau 1752, Oberkommandant im Münstertal 1758, Mitglied der helvetischen Gesellschaft zu Schinznach, the economic one in Bern etc., known as a historian (his most famous works  include the "Histoire de la Confederation Helvetique" and his_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b3b3b3b3b3b 136bad5cf58d_"Histoire de la ville de Berne");


Franz Friedrich 1753 - 1838, diente 1794 als Major im Bernerregiment von Goumoens in Holland, kommandierte 1798 ein Bataillon des Regimentes Wangen, Oberstkommandant des Schweizerregimentes Roverea in englischen Diensten 1799, nahm mit der österreichischen Armee am Feldzug von 1800 Teil, Besitzer und Oberst eines Regimentes in englischen Diensten 1801, Generalmajor 1809 , acknowledged 1812;


Beat Ludwig (von Loins) 1741 - 1825, Fähnrich in the Stürler regiment in Holland 1756, joined the Regiment Jenner in France in 1760, major in this regiment_cc74cde-31-95cde-31-95cde-31 bb3b-136bad5cf58d_1782 and commander of the same in 1792 shortly before his dismissal, in the same year Commandeur du Merite militaire and_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_oberst, soon afterwards moved back to Bernde190 with his regiment,_cc78c -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_in whose service it remained until 1796, commanded in 1798 as successor to General v. Erlach the first Bernese division on the Saane and Sense, 1791, chief of the fourth Helvetian half brigade in the service of the French Republic, which im_cc781905-5cde-3193-bb3b-516_Janufar0.8 in the second arose and which he commanded with the rank of Brigadier General until his retirement in 1805;


Sigmund David Emanuel 1769 - 1817, diente 1790 als Offizier im Bernerregiment von Goumoens in Holland, Kommandant des Bataillons Marten 1798, überbrachte am 5. März mitten durch das Feuer hindurch dem General Schauenburg die Kapitulation Berns und rettete dadurch seine Vaterstadt vor dem Bombardement, Kommandant der bernischen Bürgergarde 1799, in der Consecutive zealous member of the overthrow party to expel the Helvetian government, supreme commander of the Bernese troops with general rank 1802, supreme commander of the first Konsulbad58d_bb3cf-1802 Baris au die Consulta, where he represented the interests of his canton with great determination and fearlessness, 1813_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-8d_badderscf58d_restoration of the promotion movement;


Niklaus Rudolf 1760 - 1832, ebenfalls Offizier in Holland im Bernerregiment Stürler 1774 - 1782, zeichnete sich 1798 als Major eines Füsilierbataillons vom Regiment Thun bei Neuenegg und 1802 an der Spitze eines Bataillons Frutiger aus, Gesandter Berns die Consulta nach Paris 1803 und erster Schultheiss des Kanton Berns nach Einführung der Mediation, Landammann der Schweiz 1801 und 1810, General der Eidgenössischen Truppen, die er 1805, 1809 und 1813 zur Aufrechterhaltung der schweizerischen Neutralität ins Feld führte, nach der Restoration again appointed to the first mayor, he subsequently led to three_cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_Federal Diets, he resigned in 1831 with the old government, owner of Landshut Castle since 181 and knight of the Order of the Red Eagle;


sein Sohn Albrecht Rudolf 1789 - 1812, Adjutant des General Lannes 1808, Ordonnanzoffizier Napoleons I. 1809, Ritter der Ehrenlegion, gestorben im russischen campaign at Smolensk; Eduard (von Diesbach) 1820 - 1874, Grossrat 1850 - 58 und 1866 - 74, ein gründlicher Historiker, dessen bedeutendstes Werk « History of the city and landscape of Bern" (in the 13th and 14th century) unfortunately remained unfinished  due to his early death;

finally Bernhard Friedrich 1801 - 1881, a deserved promoter of the legal organization of the Bernese poor system.


There was a lot to talk about in her native city of Bern Catherine Franziska 1645 - 171.,married in first marriage to a Reverend Clerc, a woman who in 1680 became involved in all sorts political intrigues with the French envoy,_cc781905-5cde-5b3b3cf58d_bad5194-bbin her Trial of treason was made, which led to her being sentenced to death: only on the use of her influential relatives (the whole family from Wattenwyl_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d was about to emigrate from Bern! ) she escaped the death penalty; nachmals married to a Neuchâtel Samuel Perregaux, clerk zu Valangin, she died in exile in Neuchâtel.536-bb3b-85d_badischen.907 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_

Literature: R. de Steiger, les generaux bemois, Berne 1864; Bern paperbacks, specifically year 1853, 1893 and others; 

Bernese biographies, published by the historical association des Kantons Bern; C. Fr. Fischer, «Remembrance of Nikihaus Rudolf v. Wattenwyl», Bern 1867; Archive of the historical association des Kanton Bern, VI. Band etc. (Info: SGB)

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